
The Virginia Planning Hub serves as a clearinghouse, where readers can find community planning stories, news and notices from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. A series of Planning Hub blogs cover topics such as housing, environmental issues, coastal planning, current development and more. Refer to the side bar for these blogs and updates as they arise.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Comp Plan Passed

Orange County
“Despite continued outcries from the public, the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved the draft comprehensive plan Tuesday night, 3-1. The plan, which outlines goals and visions for the county and establishes land use categories, is required by state law to be reviewed every five years. The county completed its last plan in 2009 and the planning commission began work on the newest draft more than two years ago.”
~Writes Gracie Hart Brooks of the Orange County Review

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gov. Bob McDonnell approves Fort Monroe Master Plan

City of Hampton
“Outgoing Gov. Bob McDonnell on Thursday announced his approval of Fort Monroe's master plan. The document guides how land and buildings will be used on the decommissioned Army post as the property just west of the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel morphs into a civilian community. McDonnell's signature grants a number of powers to the Fort Monroe Authority, including the ability to sell homes and portions of the 313 acres it now owns.”
~Writes Robert Brauchle of the Daily Press

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

BOS Tweaks Comp Plan

Orange County
“Last week, the Orange County Board of Supervisors made some final changes to the highly contested draft comprehensive plan, which they expect to vote on next week. The plan, which outlines goals and visions for the county and establishes land use categories, is required by state law to be reviewed every five years. The county completed its last plan in 2009 and the planning commission has been working on the newest draft for more than two years.”
~Writes Gracie Hart Brooks of the Orange County Review

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bold Redevelopment Plan Features Greenway in Downtown Charlottesville

City of Charlottesville
“Charlottesville now has a bold new plan for the redevelopment of 330 acres around the Ix warehouse complex, Friendship Court and several public-housing sites. Consultants from Cunningham Quill Architects made their final presentation to the City Council and the Planning Commission before an audience of about 30 people at CitySpace last week.

Councilor Kathy Galvin said the city’s first Strategic Investment Area plan would address issues that include economics, transportation, public health, affordable housing and jobs.”
~Writes Brian Wheeler of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Supervisors Consider Removing Bi-County Parkway from Comp Plan

Prince William County
“The controversial Bi-County Parkway will remain on Prince William County’s long-term comprehensive plan – at least for now. The proposed 10-mile, four-lane road that proponents say would make it easier to get to Loudoun County by extending Va. 234 north to U.S. 50 has faced strong opposition from residents who argue the project will spoil the now-protected western edge of Manassas National Battlefield Park, disrupt family farms and invite cargo truck traffic from Dulles International Airport.

Opponents have lobbied the county Board of Supervisors hard over the last several months to take a stand against the estimated $440 million state project. They achieved some success in October when Supervisor Maureen Caddigan, R-Potomac, and Mike May, R-Occoquan, offered separate resolutions aimed at removing the Bi-County Parkway from the county’s long-term comprehensive plan.”
~Writes Jill Palermo of InsideNova

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Winchester Receives an Urban Planning Development Grant

City of Winchester
“A crucial element for implementing the vision within the Comprehensive Plan will be to substantially revise and/or re-write the City’s Zoning Ordinance, immediately after the adoption of the plan. The City recently applied for and was awarded an Urban Development Area Planning Grant in the amount of $50,000. The funding will be utilized to partner with the planning consultants to develop the necessary revisions to the City’s Zoning Ordinance to effectuate the principles of New Urbanism and Traditional Neighborhood Design.”
~Writes the Winchester Daily-Monitor

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

West Main Study Begins with Tour of Changing Corridor

City of Charlottesville
“The Charlottesville City Council is planning for a detailed guidebook on West Main Street — with expectations for everything from street trees to sidewalk widths, bike lanes and building setbacks — by the time the next development project begins…

City staff took designers, architects, and transportation experts on a tour of the street on Thursday to examine existing conditions. Rhodeside & Harwell will receive $340,000 to develop the streetscape plan.”
~Writes Sean Tubbs of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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