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Friday, April 11, 2014

Port Royal surveying residents about town’s future

Town of Port Royal:
“The Town of Port Royal is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan, and the Planning Commission has some questions for residents. The commission has developed a survey asking the community where it would like to see itself in the next 20 years. Survey participants can indicate what they would like Port Royal to look like in the future, what they would like to change about the town, and other information to help the commission revise the comp plan.

All Virginia localities are required by law to review their comprehensive plans every five years. The comp plan is a planning document designed to guide a community’s growth over a 20-year period. It does not establish any laws.

Copies of the survey are available at the Port Royal Post Office and Town Hall, and planning commissioners will be making other efforts to distribute them to town residents.”
~ Writes The Caroline Press

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