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Saturday, May 10, 2014

What Should Grow Along The Metro Line? Urban Land Institute To Present Land Use Analysis Thursday

Loudoun County:
“As a part of the Board of Supervisors-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment for the area around Loudoun’s future Metro stations, the results of an Urban Land Institute analysis of planned, zoned and existing land use in Loudoun County’s Metrorail Service District will be presented to the public at 5 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in the board room of the county government center, located at 1 Harrison St. SE in Leesburg.

The county asked a ULI Technical Advisory Panel of 10 people representing various fields related to land use and real estate development to conduct an analysis of the area and identify any issues and recommendations. The goal is for the county to determine whether the Revised General Plan provides a planned land use mix within the Metrorail Service District that strikes a desired and beneficial balance between:
  • prompt realization of tax revenues to support future Metrorail operations,
  • maximizing future employment generation,
  • achieving the desired land use pattern, and
  • minimizing demands on the county’s transportation infrastructure.”

~Writes  Leesburg Today
Click here for the article
For information on the Silver Line CPAM, go to

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