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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Group hopes to plan a vision for the 151 corridor

Nelson County:
“The Nelson 151 organization is seeking for the Rockfish Valley to undergo a strategic planning process to help produce a community vision for the area, with an emphasis on the Virginia State Route 151 corridor. George Hodson, chairman for Nelson 151 and general manager of Veritas Vineyard & Winery, asked the Nelson County Board of Supervisors at its March 11 meeting to support the project, which would help the community prepare for future business development.

‘What we want to make sure we’re doing is [ensure] that the businesses that come to this corridor are doing things the right way, reflect well on the existing businesses that are here and also are well-supported by the community,’ Hodson said. ‘That’s who we are and that’s what we want to do.’ Nelson 151 is an organization of business owners that comprises seven wineries, three breweries, a cidery and a distillery, as well as several other partners located in the Rockfish Valley area near Virginia 151.

Hodson said the group feels the Nelson County comprehensive plan does not adequately capture the current economic success and development patterns on the corridor, which could leave the county and its businesses and residents unprepared for future scenarios related to Virginia 151.”
~ Writes Katherine Lacaze of the Nelson County Times

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Friday, March 7, 2014

Developing a strategic plan for the town of Culpeper

Town of Culpeper:
“Elected officials are working to create a strategic plan for the town of Culpeper. Development of the written document could involve use of an outside facilitator, costing up to $25,000. Culpeper Town Council convened Wednesday in town hall for a special meeting on the matter of strategic planning with an end goal of producing a mission statement, goals and objectives and an implementation process for achieving an agreed-upon strategy for the town related to taxation, utilities and tap fees, capital needs, investment zones, future development and other key topics.

Culpeper Town Manager Dewey Cashwell, in his decades in public service, worked with various localities — including San Antonio, Texas — on developing strategic plans. At Wednesday’s meeting, he said the town of Culpeper already has an award winning comprehensive plan, adopted in 2012, that could serve as a blueprint.”
~Writes Allison Brophy Champion of the Star Exponent

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