
The Virginia Planning Hub serves as a clearinghouse, where readers can find community planning stories, news and notices from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. A series of Planning Hub blogs cover topics such as housing, environmental issues, coastal planning, current development and more. Refer to the side bar for these blogs and updates as they arise.

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rt.3 vision moves forward

Orange County:
“Last week’s two-and-a-half day Rt. 3 visioning charette brought together experts and key stakeholders to determine the corridor’s challenges, strengths and steps needed to move forward in an effort to achieve smart, sustainable growth in the county’s eastern end.

Originally planned for February, but moved to last week due to inclement weather, the charette focused on aligning the vision for Rt. 3 with viability in terms of land uses and what the market will support all while keeping in mind typography, environmental and financial constraints.”
~Writes Gracie Hart Brooks of the Orange County Review

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Click here to learn about the Route 3 Strategic Visioning Initiative

Comprehensive Plan looks towards summer completion

Albemarle County:
“As Albemarle County’s review of a revised Comprehensive Plan moves forward, the Board of Supervisors is going to work overtime to ensure the process gives the public an opportunity to voice its concerns. The review process begins with a look at the vision statement and then each of the chapters’ vision statements before digging into the details of those chapters.

‘We would like to get a good idea of the vision, because everything in this plan is connected to the vision,’ Wayne Cilimberg, the county’s director of planning, told the board at a recent meeting. The decision to review the plan chapter by chapter was made last month after a public hearing. At the time, the board heard from groups such as the Southern Environmental Law Center, the Jefferson Area Tea Party and residents of the Glenmore area.

The board will meet twice a month for about two hours in the late afternoon, a time that they hope will allow more people to attend.”
~Writes Effie Nicholaou of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Port Royal surveying residents about town’s future

Town of Port Royal:
“The Town of Port Royal is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan, and the Planning Commission has some questions for residents. The commission has developed a survey asking the community where it would like to see itself in the next 20 years. Survey participants can indicate what they would like Port Royal to look like in the future, what they would like to change about the town, and other information to help the commission revise the comp plan.

All Virginia localities are required by law to review their comprehensive plans every five years. The comp plan is a planning document designed to guide a community’s growth over a 20-year period. It does not establish any laws.

Copies of the survey are available at the Port Royal Post Office and Town Hall, and planning commissioners will be making other efforts to distribute them to town residents.”
~ Writes The Caroline Press

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