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Monday, February 3, 2014

Council to weigh putting Strategic Investment Area into Comprehensive Plan

City of Charlottesville
“Adding a 330-acre redevelopment initiative to Charlottesville’s Comprehensive Plan could sharpen the idea’s focus, but it also could carry a cost, officials said. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the move Monday night. Covering what’s known as the Strategic Investment Area, the redevelopment plan could add 1,300 homes, attract $300 million in downtown investment and generate $3 million in tax money, officials said.

The investment area stretches along Avon Street from the Ix property to the old Martha Jefferson Hospital between Avon and Ridge-McIntire. Including the initiative in the Comprehensive Plan would not cost the city money immediately, said Jim Tolbert, director of Neighborhood Development Services. Instead, it would allow the city to focus on the area’s design and purpose.”
~Writes Aaron Richardson of The Daily Progress

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